Friday 18 January 2013

If you want to make babies, have more sex

The Idibias have two kids together. Will they be aiming for me?

It has been medically proven that couples who are keen on having a baby should have regular sex.

A study found women had a better chance of having a healthy baby if they had repeated exposure to their partner’s sperm before they conceived. This was because it gave their immune systems time to build up a tolerance to the foreign fluid and so support a pregnancy.

According to Research author Prof Sarah Robertson from the University of Adelaide, ‘We now know that an average of at least three to six months coitus with their partner is necessary to get their immune system to respond correctly to enable a healthy pregnancy.’

‘It’s not so much about the likelihood of getting pregnant, it’s more about health progression of pregnancy,’
‘You’re more likely to have a healthy pregnancy if you’ve had some practice beforehand.’

In the UK around one in six couples have difficulty conceiving. A couple will only be diagnosed as being infertile if they have not managed to have a baby after two years of trying.

Miscarriages are much more common than most people realise. Around one in eight pregnancies end in miscarriage where the woman knows she is pregnant – many more end before she realises she is pregnant.
It is thought that two thirds of early miscarriages are due to abnormal chromosomes in the babies.

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